Saturday, July 10, 2010

HARVEST BOUNTY Witch's Altar Ladder / Handfasting Cord

כ"ח בתמוז תש"ע
Faunus 29

Wickedly wonderful, this HARVEST BOUNTY witch's altar ladder and/or handfasting cord perfectly brings abundance and beauty to your Autumn Sabbat celebrations or wedding. Handcrafted with handmade deeply warm Terra Cotta silk sari ribbon, exquisite Fiesta yarn softly flaming with brilliant colors of Autumn, dark brown satiny ribbon, nine light brown wooden beads, twenty-five knots, a large 1 inch diameter Tibetan silver pentacle charm, and a silver leaf charm.

Nine is the diameter the witch's sacred circle.

Twenty-five is the gematria (numerology) of the magical Hebrew words meaning "and with gladness" (ובטוב) "be" (היי). So mote it be, אמן!

Measuring 60 inches (= 5 feet = five elemental corners of the encircled Pentacle), this HARVEST BOUNTY cord corresponds to the "secret within the secret" of the witch's sacred circle through the magical Hebrew letter Samech (having both a gematria-numrology value of 60 and written in the form of a closed circle).

Comes in an organza pouch with a surprise gift, and beautifully packaged.

This magical item may be purchased at WITCHCRAFTS by Liorah Lleucu.

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