Friday, July 06, 2012

Witches Bliss Spiritual Art Yarn

This is my own first handspun yarn ever! and my first yarn handspun on my new Aura spinning wheel! I'm so excited. A yarn of many firsts! I'm calling this 18 yard skein WITCHES BLISS! It's rustic black Icelandic wool made from the fleeces of Minikin, Cinder and Carob. Scented with Aveda Bliss fragrance oil during the "setting the twist" phase of finishing the yarn, WITCHES BLISS is overspun in places, thick and thin, and full of my experimenting with my spinning technique as I discovered and played with the tensioning on my new wheel. This skein of yarn is not for sale, but if anyone wants one, I'll be making more of WITCHES BLISS for use in rustic, primitive and witchy projects (no yarns as yet posted in my fiber arts Etsy shoppe SeidrSpins). I use yarn like this as an adornment on my Hekate Liminal Rites candle which can be seen at my other Etsy shoppe, Artisan Witchcrafts (Witchcrafts Artisan Alchemy). This first skein is being kept in offering to my spiritual arts patroness, Frau Holle. I'm so happy - this is magic!

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