Saturday, January 23, 2010

Blue Thread Royal Witch's Ladder

ט' בשבט תש"ע
Imbolgen 10

Created in sacred space and time this Shabbat under the waxing first quarter Moon, this BLUE THREAD ROYAL witch's ladder is handbraided and handcrafted with Spruce Silk Sari ribbon of dark teal-blues and evergreens made from strips of cut silk sari fabric, Black Dazzle yarn, metallic silver bow ribbon, a silver crescent moon with stars charm, a silver Celtic witch's knot, a silver "witchcraft" word charm, 9 jet black Czech glass beads (in the tradition of Celtic witchcraft) and 23 knots (in the tradition of Jewish letter-kabbalah).

In kabbalah, the thread of blue techelet fiber is a symbol of royalty and "triggers a cascade of images related to both physical and spiritual space - the techelet is similar to the sea, the sea is similar to the firmament, and the firmament is similar to the Supernal Throne." The Supernal Throne in Kabbalah is a connotation for the World of Creation." [Inner Dimension website] In other words, the blue thread is a tool for progression through the worlds of Action, Emotion and Intellect into the world of Divine Emanation and back again. The blue thread is a ladder unto itself, making BLUE THREAD ROYAL witch's ladder a double portion - a witch's ladder within a witch's ladder.

In black beats the heart of the Dark Divine Feminine.

The Moon with stars symbolizes living power of Goddess in the Universe and throughout the Multiverse.

Green symbolizes the natural growth of living beings and the magical Hebrew letter hei (associated with the quality of speech). Thus, green empowers and ever-nourishes magical speech, giving life to words of power.

A silver finger points the way, directing second sight, prophetic vision and communication.

A Celtic knot maps the soul's journey from potentiality to actuality to wholeness. It's witchraft.

Nine is the number of the witch's circle.

Twenty-three is the number of all the letters of the magical Hebrew alphabet, including the hidden 4-shin.

Measuring 58 inches, this witch's ladder is full of graceful beauty and equanimity.

Comes beautifully packaged with a small surprise gift included.

This magical item may be purchased at WITCHCRAFTS by Liorah Lleucu.

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