I will be using two 7" by 1.5" handcrafted pure beeswax candles for my Rosh Hashanah spellwork. The head of candle A and the base of the candle B will be ritually inscribed like this:
The base of candle A and the head of candle B will be ritually inscribed like this:
The side of the candle A will be ritually inscribed like this:
The side of the candle B will be ritually inscribed like this:
The inscription האה pertains to a feminine configuration of the Essential Divine Name containing the heyuli through which Divine Knowing extends into being.
The Ogham letters are my Celtic circle name Lleucu.
The paleo-Hebrew letters are my Hebrew name Liorah Chanah.
The modern Hebrew inscription מי קרא פת was revealed as I awoke from dreaming this Shabbat morning and directs Binah (of Chochmah on the path of mem, balancing Hod-Netzach) to summon and give form to a unified morsel of Divine Knowing.
The modern Hebrew inscription בינה קרה פתח creates the opening in reality to actualize the inscription above, and means "opening for Divine Understanding (of Divine Knowing) to happen" throughout Malchut.
The 3- and 4-shins represent Divine Matriarchal Wisdom and Understanding.
The spiral triskelion represents the feminine cauldron of Divine Knowing and Wholeness.
The shalshelet trope represents Da'at Torah, reception and transmission of Torah (mekubal/mashpia function), it's mysteries and mesorah.
Each candle will be dressed and handrolled with a mixture of Witch's Brew oil and Consecration incense blend.
Candles prepared on Rosh Hashanah Day 1, with the waxing crescent moon 5% full, during the planetary hours of Venus and Pluto.
Dressed with "Bewitched" altar oil and handrolled with a Celtic blend of incense.
As I wrote on Walking On Fire to this question:
He makes some good points generally, although I don't think he understands paganism very well. Paganism and superstition are not thesame thing. Modern paganism is more focused with spiritual development, developing understanding, and working with the forces of creation to
bring Divine goodness into the world. Rituals are tools one employs in working to achieve those goals. Some practitioners of modern paganism can be quite unsuperstitious and very intellectually inclined - and like kabbalists - some have more understanding than others.
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