י' חשון תשס"ת
Phasma Priscus 12
In addition to 4 traditional solar energies (sunrise, midday, sunset and midnight) used in magical practice, halachic times of practical kabbalah list 10 more daily "propitious times" for timing and powering spellwork. The thirteen and one propitious times (named in association with traditional kabbalistic "ritual time" for convenience and cross-referencing) can be calculated by zip code
here and are:
alot hashachar (dawn)
earliest tallit & tefillin
netz hachamah (sunrise)
latest shema
zman tefillah
chatzot (midday)
minchah gedolah (earliest minchah)
minchah ketanah
plag haminchah
shekiah (sunset)
tzeit hakochavim (nightfall)
chatzot (midnight)
sha'ah zemanit (proportional hour)